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Bethany Anderson runs the Wills & Estates Practice Group at MGPC

Estate planning for today’s seniors must take into consideration the realities and complexities of modern families and modern lives.   Falling in love happens at all ages and so too does separation and re-partnering.  While everyone must take into consideration how to protect the equity in their property when a new partner is moving in, seniors must be particularly careful.

When you are in a second or subsequent serious relationship, it is important to protect your wealth and security, as the rights and obligations on separation or death under the Family Law Act may not reflect your intentions.  Sometimes a Marriage Contract (or Cohabitation Agreement) may be appropriate both to set out your mutual intentions and to protect your beneficiaries after the death of one of you.  These issues often arise when clients are considering their Wills.

Seniors should also carefully consider their property and estate plans when gifts or advances on inheritance are given to their children.  Discussions need to happen with adult children about the protection of these gifts, as well.  Estate plans should be wholistic.

When preparing your Will, it is critical to understand relevant family law and plan accordingly.  We can help you navigate these issues and explore flexible options and solutions to ensure your Spouse, your children’s inheritance, and your wishes are protected.

Bethany Anderson has been practicing law for 20 years.  Her practice focuses specifically on Wills, Trusts & Estates law, Marriage Contracts and Cohabitation Agreements.  She provides clients with comprehensive advice, taking the time to understand each client’s family circumstances, assets, goals and wishes to ensure that their plans accomplish their goals.

Preparing a Will involves much more than simply writing down your wishes.   Thought and discussion about your unique circumstances and the impact that laws (estates, family and more) may have on you and your beneficiaries are the most important first step.  Seniors should also give careful thought to their Powers of Attorney for Property and Powers of Attorney for Personal Care. Notwithstanding the increasing vitality and longevity of the modern senor, health care decisions can be complex and sometimes difficult to navigate.  It is important to have the right people making decisions for you.

Properly planned and drafted Wills and Powers of Attorney can work together with a Marriage Contract to offer you the protection you may need.  We can help.

How Do I Get Started?  Please call or email our office for more information.  We would be happy to explain our estate planning process and book a first consultation.
